Tim Tabur Kejaksaan Agung Berhasil Mengamankan DPO Terpidana ARWAN KOTY


KORAN - Jakarta- Tuesday 12 September 2023, at around 13.20 WIB, the Attorney General's Fugitive Arrest Team (Tabur) succeeded in apprehending a fugitive who was on the Wanted List (DPO) from the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office.

The identities of the convicts who have been secured are:

Name:  Arwan Koty

Place of birth: Tanjung Karang

Age/date of birth: 57 years old / February 7, 1966

Male gender

Indonesian citizenship

Residence: Jl. KH Hasyim Ashari 75 A, Cideng, Kec. Gambir and Jl. Acacia Golf V No. 16 RT 03 / RW 05, Mediterranean Golf Hill, Pantai Indah Kapuk

Occupation: Self-employed

Based on the Supreme Court's decision Number: 897 K/Pid.Sus/2022 dated 29 September 2022,  Arwan Koty  was declared legally and convincingly guilty of "committing the criminal  act  of slanderous complaints  and was threatened with criminal action under Article 317 Paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code according to the second alternative indictment of Public Prosecutor. Therefore,  Arwan Koty  was sentenced to 6 months in prison  .

The convict, Arwan Koty,  was detained because when the summons was made,  he was not at the address he had been living in, and his whereabouts were unknown. Therefore,  convict Arwan Koty  was included in the Wanted List (DPO).

When he was arrested,  convict  Arwan Koty  was cooperative so that the security process ran smoothly.

Through the Prosecutor's Tabur program, the Attorney General asked his staff to monitor and immediately arrest fugitives who are still at large , in order to  carry out executions  for the sake of  legal certainty. The Attorney General appealed to all fugitives on the Indonesian Attorney General's Wanted List (DPO) to immediately surrender and take responsibility for their actions because there is no safe place to hide. (ed) 

Puspenkum Attorney General Ri

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