Polres Lampung Timur Lalai Tangani Kasus Pengeroyokan, Wilson Lalengke: Mereka Brutal pada Persoalan Papan Bunga
KORAN - Jakarta - General Chair of the Indonesian Citizens Journalists Association (Ketum PPWI), Wilson Lalengke, said that the gang of police officers at the East Lampung Police only cared and were very enthusiastic in handling the case of cutting down flower boards. Meanwhile, they seem sluggish and do not have the guts to follow up on cases of attacks by a group of illegal mining mafia against citizens, aka humans.
This was conveyed by the PPRA-48 Lemhannas RI alumnus in 2012 to media networks throughout the archipelago when asked for his comments regarding the process of handling the case of the beating of the Head of PPWI East Lampung, Sopiyanto, by elements of the illegal silica sand mining mafia in the Pasir Sakti District area, East Lampung , about 4 months ago. "In my opinion, the gang of police officers in Lampung, especially the East Lampung Police, looked very brutal when they handled the case of the flower board that I carried out which contained harassment towards journalists last year. They processed it quickly, it didn't even take more than 24 hours for them to immediately arrest me, and my friends, without the correct process. Well, when there are cases that are really pure criminal acts, namely beatings and abuse of people, they keep quiet and don't do anything. What kind of police are they?" said Wilson Lalengke in an annoyed tone, Sunday, September 17 2023.
The man who was criminalized by police officers, under the command of the East Lampung Police Chief, Jaki Al-zakar Nasution, in March 2022, regretted the attitude and behavior of the brown-shirted law enforcers in handling cases reported by the public to this institution. The Lampung Regional Police also did not escape the attention of this senior journalist.
"The police at the Lampung Regional Police are also very, very far from being professional. In fact, it is very clear that they want to take their hands off handling cases reported by residents. For example, the Sopiyanto beating case which was reported to the Lampung Regional Police, instead the handling was delegated to the Lampung Police "East. In fact, the case of the beating was reported to the Lampung Regional Police because it was strongly suspected that the illegal sand mining mafia in Pasir Sakti was being backed by elements of the East Lampung Police, so it was not reported to the East Lampung Police. Eh, now it has been handed over to the Sontoloyo Police," added Wilson Lalengke.
In his press statement, this national press figure who has trained many Polri and TNI members in the field of journalism said that the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, should evaluate the implementation of the National Police Chief's orders by the Lampung Regional Police and the East Lampung Police. According to him, the National Police Chief has given directions and orders to his staff to work professionally, serve, protect, protect and enforce the law correctly and fairly, wrapped in the jargon of Precision.
"But in fact, the officers in the field, especially at the Lampung Regional Police and the East Lampung Police, seemed to treat their superiors' orders like a passing wind, going in their left ear straight out of their right ear, without any trace at all. In crude terms, the National Police Chief's orders were urinated on by his subordinates, " said Wilson Lalengke.
He also questioned the handling of the police report submitted to the Lampung Regional Police regarding the beating and abuse carried out by a gang of police officers at the Lampung Regional Police against the Chairman of PPWI Ogan Komering Ilir, Muhammad Abbas Umar, on March 12 2022. "Until now, this case has not been handled at all. The propam is sleeping, just waiting for pay at the beginning of the month. It is indeed difficult to fix the gang of mental sambo individuals in the National Police institution, it is very serious, we are hopeless," explained the President of Permata Indonesia.
Related news: Victims of Persecution by East Lampung Police APH Personnel Demand Justice, Police Chief Allegedly Running Away from Responsibility (https://pewarta-indonesia.com/2023/01/korban-penganiayaan-oknum-aph-polres-lampung-timur-menuntut- justice-police chief-allegedly-running-from-responsibility/)
There is another case of Aiptu Rusmini, a policewoman at the Lampung Regional Police who became a victim of criminalization and fabricated cases by her own husband, Edy Arhansyah, who is also a member of the police there. For more than 7 years, Rusmini has sought justice for the brutal and arbitrary legal treatment of her. During that time, his salary, which was allegedly continuously issued by the state, disappeared somewhere.
"Rusmini admitted that she did not receive a salary, but the salary in her name was still disbursed by the treasurer at the South Lampung Police from the state treasury. Who received Aiptu Rusmini's salary for more than 7 years?" asked Wilson Lalengke.
Related news: Ten Years Policewoman Rusmini Was Dizolimi, Lemhannas Alumni: Police Officer Edy Arhansyah Was Very Savage (https://pewarta-indonesia.com/2023/06/ten-year-polwan-rusmini-dizolimi-alumni-lemhannas-oknum-polisi -edy-arhansyah-very-barbaric/)
Returning to the issue of handling the case of beatings and ill-treatment of the Chair of the East Lampung PPWI DPC, Sopiyanto, Wilson Lalengke hopes that the officers at the East Lampung Police will work professionally. "The police colleagues who are handling this case, from Kasatreskrim, Yohanes, to the investigator, Arif Darmawan, should work professionally, not based on personal or certain group interests and desires. Don't just handle the issue of flower boards brutally. "When people are beaten up, you are sluggish. Remember, your wife's and children's panties were bought from people's money, which is why you work properly so that the money you receive every month from the country will be a blessing," he concluded while closing the release with a thank you. love. (APL/Ed)
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