Situasi Gaza Memburuk, Maroko Serukan Diadakannya Pertemuan Darurat Dewan Liga Arab

KORAN -  Rabat – Conditions in the Gaza Strip in the Middle East are heating up again and are likely to get worse. This happened as a result of the recent Hamas attack on Israel. This attack was finally followed by a retaliatory attack by Israel on the Gaza Strip which killed more than 200 Palestinians.

In connection with this situation, the Royal Government of Morocco called for a meeting between the leaders of the Arab League countries. On the instructions of the King of Morocco, HE King Mohammed VI, the Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs who is the chairman of the current session of the Council of the League of Arab States at ministerial level, called for an emergency meeting of the Council of the Arab League at the level of foreign ministers.

The emergency meeting was intended for consultation and coordination regarding the deteriorating situation in the Gaza Strip and the outbreak of military action targeting civilians. "This emergency meeting is also a vehicle for finding ways to stop this dangerous escalation," said Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita.

Intensive consultations are underway for a meeting to be held this week at the League of Arab States headquarters in Cairo, the ministry added in a statement. (/Red/)

_Source: Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs_

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